Ecologise Workshop: Future of Transport

Event Start Date:
2nd October 2016
Event End Date:
2nd October 2016
Event Venue:
La Makaan, Hyderabad


Workshops for Sustainability and Equality in the City



La Makaan, Sunday, October 2, 2016

12:30 p. m. to 6 p. m.


Today the transport situation in Hyderabad is grim. On one hand people travelling in car are stuck in them for hours due to traffic. It gets worse when there is some rain. On the other hand there are a majority of people who still have to take a bus and they travel in crowded bus for endless hours. No one is happy.

Urban people often forget that transport is not just motorised and train transport but until recently bicycles, cycle rickshaws had a significant presence to say nothing about pedestrians. And only 25 years ago these were the main transport apart from the buses. Today with cheap oil and a rise of affluent middle class things have changed to this very irrational scene. It is irrational because fewer people occupy more road space and spend more energy per person while every one suffers!

This workshop will discuss implications of this rise of fossil fuel era and what we in Hyderabad can do about it. The workshop will deal with road (motorised, non motorised) and mass transport (trains) aspects of the situation. The resource persons will be local experts from Hyderabad on these issues. They will present the issues with concrete and accurate data about Hyderabad transport problems, its history of mismanagement and other related issues. There will also be activists group who propagate and practice alternatives. They will present their solutions and the difficulties they have faced and the successes they have achieved.

The aim of the workshop is to strengthen the knowledge base of the participants and empower them. The focus will be on what the participants / citizens themselves can do about it; in their personal lives and in their neighbourhood.

The participants will be activists preferably below 40 years of age and who are actively working at the community level for improving the city in terms of sustainability and equality. They can be working both at the level of community initiatives and at local policy levels.

For registration details use the link below:

Registration Fee: Rs 100/- (Optional. No one would be denied if s/he is unable to pay the fee)
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